Friday, February 20, 2009

Bonnie the Ape and More

My number four son said to me the other day, “You could just write about songs, nothing else, and would never have to worry about material.” He likes that song, How to Save a Life and keeps trying to give me a Cold Play song, I Used to Rule the World. He's succeeded. But. . .

I never have to worry about material. It’s everywhere.

If I did, I would start with You May Be Right, I May Be Crazy. . .the Billy Joel song, a feel- good, accepting song about mental disarray. I just wish I knew what that word, crazy, means. We tend to frown upon it, this word.

Which brings up House.

If all we did around here was scour media for material, we'd have to credit Hugh Laurie, who plays the irrascible Dr. House for destigmatizing depression, especially. He might say,
"I'm angry and depressed, and the most cynical person on television, not an easy job. So screw you if you even think about taking that away from me."
Hugh Laurie is doing a one-man show to depathologize and destigmatize mental disorders, which is a very cool thing. His I’m depressed and I don’t give a d___ is loveable, and millions love him, which is why I've been telling people to tell people about their depression. They love us more for it.

To a point. I personally hate the show, btw, but love a man and his grumpiness. Take me as I am: the dark side.

We could just focus on AOL or Yahoo news, of course, real personalities who get into trouble. My kid in Hollywood (finger on the pulse) asks me, "Are you writing about Rhianna and Chris Brown?" Not today, Bubbalah. Maybe one day. All I know is that Chris released a statement to the press after allegedly pounding Rhianna, telling us that he's talking to his minister and his parents, hoping to get help and guidance from them.

Don't go to therapy, Chris, whatever you do. This is my first sarcastic comment, maybe since 2006, so don't spleen me, people, it had to come out, and it is not snarky. I'm saying it for his own good.

Another way to find material for the blog would be to listen to National Public Radio. Yesterday NPR ran a story on green toys, cheap and environmentally safe. We're all buying cheaper things for children now that we're broke, something we tend to encourage anyway around here, you know, especially around the holidays.

Kids need you, basically, not toys.

But cheaper toys include winder toys, those little plastic jobs with turn-keys that you wind up to make the bunny hop, the chipmonk bang the cymbals. The older ones in metal are more imaginative. Before taking down my birthday post (too many identifiers) I confessed that I love these things. Now I read there's an association between loving winder toys and schizophrenia. But I heard about it on the Internet, and you know you can't believe what you read out here.

So that was a good story, the NPR winder toy story.

And today we have Bonnie the Ape, who wants to whistle, therefore she whistles. If you don’t know how to whistle, I am suggesting this as a treatment intervention.

Whistling is something my older brother taught me before I could speak. It is a feel good thing. It just is.

Learn how to whistle. Bonnie taught herself, fyi.

National Public Radio has feel bad stories, too, but after that last post on How to Save a Life, I just can’t go there. And we're not through with that one, you know. There is a Part Two to How to Save a Life, and for more on duo-diagnosis and saving lives, you can read my post on The Second Road. I talk about you yapping away on my voicemail.

Maybe next week we'll do Part Two. But I've also promised a favorite clergyman something on ego, and there's the polar bear post. I just don't know.



Syd said...

I'd rather be around positive people with positive energy than the depressed, energy sucking kind. I've never watched House. But having dealt with a clinically depressed mother who had over a hundred ECT treatments, I know a black hole when I see one. Thanks for the post. Enlightening as usual. I prefer the whistling orangutan.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to say thanks for the 15 second humming a tune and then switch to counting for 15 seconds to reset the brains path. I'm depressed, been diagnosed and know I should seek counseling. The economy makes it tough right now. Thanks for being there and writing.
K in Yuma

Retriever said...

I love House!j But spouse has turned off satellite (to save money), so no more. You forgot to mention the show I really love (and also can't afford to watch--except the first 15 free episodes on ITunes) "In Treatment" Love that one.....HBO still hasn't released the DVDs). whine whine whine....the free Itunes episodes were FUN and thought provoking.

therapydoc said...

Kin, thank my dad.

And Retriever, I'm always open to new shows. I give 'em at least 15 minutes before hating them entirely. Last night I even gave Happy Gilmore 14 minutes, but that's a movie, I think.

therapydoc said...

Syd, I hear she does windows (albeit with any old dirty rag) and sweeps, too!

porcini66 said...

Hmmmmm...I love House! I do. I know that he is snarky and depressed and can be downright MEAN, but oh, the tortured soul that is underneath it all!

I am learning that I don't HAVE to feel "tortured". Life is life and there is good and bad every day. Accept reality and go to bed - don't wear it, don't own it, don't reflect endlessly on it. Just...accept it for what it is today - it's likely going to change tomorrow! :)

And whistle...Gonna add that into the daily plan, too! lol

Thanks for writing!

blognut said...

You and I are of like-mind on House. I hate the show, yet I can't help but like the character just a little bit.

Is sarcasm good for the soul?
Because I live off the stuff and I'm wondering how you went from 2006 to 2009 with only 1 sarcastic comment.

nashbabe said...

My sister the RN loves House. But I have yet to meet any physicians who like it. Perhaps your spouse has something to do with it???

therapydoc said...

BN, I'm always afraid someone's feelings are going to be hurt where there's sarcasm.

And no question, NASH, listening to medicine for 33 years has something to do with hating most shows medical, save Father Knows Best.

Stacie said...

without sarcasm I think I wouldn't exist...It's like "I'm sarcastic, therefore I am." As for Hugh, well lately every man I dream about turns into him and I don't even watch that show. I do find him fantastically sexy tho... Funny, Chris Martin from Coldplay reminds me of Hugh Laurie... As for depression, got it, manage it, and learn to listen to those I love regarding my mental health. I talk about depressive disorders especially PPD so much that I know I make people uncomfortable. Well, when their heart disease makes me uncomfortable I consider stopping.

therapydoc said...

I think they probably tune it out, anyway.

Anonymous said...

I've learned a lot from diving into my dark side - especially about not being afraid. Six cheers for Dr. House

Anonymous said...

I've never seen house, I love wind up toys and enjoy NPR stories, but I'm glad you didn't write on the feel bad NPR story :)

Anonymous said...

I can see why, if you have a medical family, you would hate medical shows on television.

Synchronicity said...

Love House. Oh I think we all find something endearing about curmudgeonly types. I think that our society has become a bunch of positivity pushers. It seems a relief to just...say I am with it.

April_optimist said...

When I coach people on public speaking or writing I tell them the SAFEST thing to do is to let a little of their vulnerability show. I don't mean inappropriate sharing but the kind that lets a connection form faster because everyone feels vulnerable in some way to something.

Tanya said...

Listen TD, there's no hating on sarcasm and snark! (I, naturally, have no personal stake on the matter)

Great Cold Play song. Thumbs up to #4.

And if you want blog fodder for a month, revisit Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon"

Anonymous said...

I never did see House - to me, Hugh Laurie will always be Bertie Wooster..

Anonymous said...

Hugh Laurie portrays a character that appeals to a lot of people because he is disgruntled and imperfect. Most people view themselves this way. They feel this quality brings the physician down a notch from being super-human. What people often remain unaware about is that every being is superhuman and hiding from it out of deep-seated fear. It is always possible to shift perspectives and rediscover completely different ways of existing. Part of consciousness does it already, beneath your radar. The rest of you is catching up.

Mark said...

Love your insight and your wit! Just whistle kid, you know how to whistle right?

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