The local news people show us how to fry them up as appetizers and marinade them as side dishes, but it's not something we would actually do. Even though they're supposedly here every 17 years, I see a few annually and send them to my grandsons via USPS. That makes them 41 cent cicadas.
Today was HOT and there wasn't a cicada in sight. But we looked, took a little walk in the neighborhood. We were working off lunch, stopping to admire the weird things people leave on their front lawns, and admiring flowers. Chicagoans put a lot of effort into beautifying their yards.
That's why Chicago is called the garden city.
I let FD do the beautification thing and mainly concentrate on the task of removing tricycles and Razors (scooters), courtesy of the neighborhood kids, from our sidewalk. I'm assuming that when somebody trips and breaks a hip in front of my house on one of these things that it will be me that the personal injury lawyers will hunt down.
Lady, is this your scooter?
No.Anyway, we were walking the neighborhood and we looked up and there they were! No, not the cicadas, the women in pink!
Prove it.
It's not, honest.
Then why was it in front of your house. I have a client in traction and it's your fault.

Every June Chicago Avon walkers limp through our neighborhood on Saturday in cute pink tee-shirts (sleeveless this year), jogger shorts, and cool pink or green baseball caps.
FD and I never miss them. He's a little embarrassed to be staring, but they're impossible to miss. Last year, or maybe it was the year before that, I think we caught up with them on a walk in Skokie. We're in awe, of course that people are dedicated to a cause and actually go out and do something for it.
It's always hot as blazes in the summer and our walkers gather in groups of 2-5, looking tired and dehydrated, but happy.
I said to FD, I should blog about this.
Go talk to them!I was wearing a pink blouse so I approached two attractive women and asked if I could walk with them, ask them some questions. "I'd like to put this in my blog," I said.
No, what would I say?
I don't know. You talk to people every day! Go talk to them.
Okay. But you have to wait for me. Don't walk ahead. Wait for me.
What will I say?
I don't know. But you're already wearing a pink shirt. You'll fit right in!
Sure! (huff puff)Now I'm freaked. So insensitive! For all I know, one of these women has just lost someone she loves to breast cancer and I'm asking her to tell me about it?! I'm beginning to feel nauseated.
You two are amazing! How far have you walked?
26.2 miles today, 13.1 tomorrow. We're almost finished for today. Only another half mile to go.
What? Did you say 26.2 miles and what? Why the weird numbers?
There are 26.2 miles in a marathon, so we did that today. And 13.1 in the half marathon we do tomorrow.
Wow! That's a lot of walking! Why are you two personally doing this? Uh, I mean, why do you think most of the women are here, I mean, uh. . .
Well, my mother had breast cancer (OH NO! I was right!)I spotted FD and crossed the street to meet him.
Did she survive, I hope?
Oh yes, she's doing just fine!
(Phew) Thank G-d. So is that the case with most of these women? Do you think most of the women who volunteer for the walk are related to or know someone who's had breast cancer?
For sure. Who doesn't know someone who's had breast cancer?
Right. Of course! That's true, isn't it? Listen, thanks so much. I've got to go. Tell me your names!
I'm Anne and she's Kim. (Or was it, I'm Kim and she's Anne).
Thanks so much. You're wonderful. Google the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer-Blogs tomorrow and you'll see your names in my blog.
Okay, bye now. Good luck.
That went well, I said. (I told over my two minute conversation). He asked why I ended the interview so quickly. I told him that I'm not a journalist and it felt very much like I was invading their privacy to meet my own selfish ends and that my line of questioning could have gone badly.
He totally understood.
He told me that 1 in 11 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetimes. We went over the names of people we knew personally. Some survivors, some not, some surviving.
So I thought that you should know:
The Avon Foundation is busy supporting:
breast cancer education and awareness
screening and diagnosis
access to treatment
support services
and scientific research into the possible cause, prevention, treatment and cure.
The walk that takes place in different cities from coast-to-coast raised more than $100 million between 2003-2005.
Sounds like a very good cause to me.
(rhymes with La-Tree-Loot)
or To Your Health,
Thank you fro bringing such nice posts. Your blog is always fascinating to read.
GUESS WHAT? Anne, of Anne & Kim found the post (I had told her to google the blogs on the Avon walk).
She wrote me the following, gave me the okay to post it in the comments. Not everyone can figure out Blogger Comments. I believe you have to get a post bachelor's certificate in something.
Anyway, here's what Anne said:
HI, I am Anne, of Kim and Anne--
I just wanted to let you know that I read your Blog and it was really nice to meet you. I wanted to give you some additional information that you might like to know--that weekend 3,632 walkers participated and we raised 8.3 million dollars!
Isn't that amazing!!! The other thing I wanted to say is that you should not have felt that you were invading my/our personal walk-we were there because we had a story to tell and I really appreciated that you took the forward step of asking. My mom is great-it has been a long hard road but watching her fight an amazing battle made me feel like I had to do something and
I was thrilled-a bit tired and sore but thrilled to be part of something so amazing. As a fellow (nonpracticing) social worker I appreciate your interest in the WHOLE story and not just seeing us as women in pink.
Thank you,
See, I'd call her a practicing social worker.
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