Friday, October 30, 2009


I just cleaned the refrigerator because Michelle (not her real name) from Blue Cross Blue Shield called to inform me that because I am a "high volume" provider; they're coming over to audit my charts.

That will be the start 0f one of my upcoming posts.

And you want to know why I don't blog more often. You know I want to talk to you, and it kills me that there's not enough time. I'm not even responding to comments and am late in posting them, too, intend to do it, still plan to get back to them, for sure. But the road to hell is paved with good intentions, or something like that, and all I can say is that there's a lot of stuff on the proverbial plate, it's spinning madly, and
I'm sorry.
That said, please know that I read every comment and appreciate every one of them, and believe me, I learn more from you from this process than you could possibly realize. Indeed, one reason some therapists last in this field, don't totally burn out, get infected from so much pathology, is that we learn from every person we see, from everything we hear, everywhere. We might complain on occasion, but everyone does, you know.

It's been said before, this job is interesting, challenging. You have to stay on top of new knowledge, although you might rely on a foundation. Professionals have to keep learning, that's what differentiates them. Our WOW! really is a wow. It isn't placating, it isn't fake; there's no agenda. When the learning comes from others, it's illuminating. And a lot more fun.

So we're grateful that people share their lives with us, feel privileged. The first thing we tell patients as they button up their jackets to leave, maybe after the first visit, the second, third, fourth or fifth, etc.
Thank you for sharing all of that. It can't be easy, I know that it isn't. Thanks for trusting me.
When I started this blog, honestly, I did not know what to do with comments. They freaked me out.

Oh, no! This person thinks I'm her therapist! What will I do with this comment/email? What if she takes something the wrong way, uses it as personal advice, isn't seeing someone else, a real flesh and blood human being who can intervene and go,
Call 911! You need to be in a hospital!
Meaning, I could be responsible for something bad!

This blew me away, more-so than an occasional stalker threatening me and my family, or a BCBS auditor.

Which is why there are all those caveats in the margins that say,
I ain't your therapist, get one somehow, please, please, please. This is for your edification, is all, and it's fun for me, okay?
And you know I mean it, get therapy if you can, hence the title of the blog.

And yet, by all means, we can talk, we can share information. There's no one shutting us down, and why would there be? It's a mutual admiration society. So what I'm saying is No, to those of you who have asked if I'm giving it up.

And one day, no promises, I'll blog about it, tell you everything. You did sign that HIPAA form on the sidebar, right?



Lou said...

It is a privilege to be trusted with other's secrets, and to have people reach out to me. The longer one blogs the more personal it is.
You are one of the "circle" and cannot go;)

(You wrote a post about that..).

therapydoc said...

Yeah, at some point I can't remember what I've said before. Thanks, Lou.

Syd said...

Hang in there and keep doing what you're doing. I enjoy your posts regardless of how frequently they are written. Good luck with the audit. said...

Don't sweat the audit. They're always looking for something to do to justify their ridiculous rates. ;-)

Isle Dance said...

Lots of gratitude and appropriate boundaries right back at ya...

SWTP said...

Social Work Test Prep Blog relocated--please come check out (and relink to) the expanded, beautified site:


Anonymous said...

What a kind post! I do have a therapist. And I know that she has been in practice for 20+ years and has not burned out. Maybe she shares some of your perspectives about being in practice for a long time.

-- j

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Lisa said...

As always, so eloquently put. :)

Stacie said...

You're cleaning your refrigerator because Blue Cross is coming to your house to audit your charts? That something I would do. Perhaps group therapy is order?

Ella said...

I figured you were busy if your Dad was in the hospital - we will read it once you write it and post it, not before.

I have a therapist, he's not perfect. I made him read a book, he will learn something new because of me, maybe leave him better than when I found him.

(such a Girl Scout)

therapydoc said...

I just love you people.

The Rebbetzin's Husband said...

So much of the first half of this post (but not the auditor, glad to say) resonates with me in my (ex-)rabbi role. The Wow really is a wow.

An Ugly America

Eddie Redmayne-Caberet, not pretty As anyone who knows me knows, I've been a little out of it when it comes to what is happening in the ...