Wednesday, January 13, 2010

January Back Acha'

Yeah, it's been a long time since I've had time to do this, link back to bloggers and readers who link to me or comment below. And I really don't have the time, but you know you make time for the things you like to do, meaning steal time from the things you should do. In other words, my 3:15 canceled, so rather than call people back, which would be the logical thing to do, well, let's do this anyway.

Thanks Tara for guilting me into it. I hadn't responded to this email until now, weeks later, but that's okay, right?
Dear Therapy Doc,

I have recently been given the job of developing and promoting our blog and
while researching this new task to me I have found your excellent blog site.
I am not sure how you go about developing such an excellent collection of
links for your Blogs Roll but certainly something to strive towards!

How can I go about inclusion of my blog?
I add you is all, and finally did. (sunglasses, people, think sunglasses). And to make your own list of amazing blogs, hang around, loiter and read other writers, like . . . .

DaMama Motherhood is Not for Wimps. Find me someone who disagrees. Try.

The Second Road, the best recovery blog.

And Penelope Trunk's Brazenist Career, almost spelled brazenist wrong, seriously brazen.

UK's Community Care Blog World, cuz they care.

The Doctor's Girlfriend (great pugs on the page)

My good buddy Jack at the Shack is kvetching about tuition. Hello.

Opining online simply gives an _____

If you’re dreaming again, in no hurry to wake up, try Wanda’s Wings

There are blogs that like sharing their music, and this one liked my post about a rock star. I wish I could remember her name, Ingrid somebody.

Over at Trench Warfare you'll read yarns about social work in the trenches. It's more than one war, you know. There are so many.

Eyes opened wider, always worth a read.

Totally into The Known Universe, read TechnoBabe.

Uppity-crip might make some people think about disabilities, and you know, we should.

Retriever’s clearly got her head on straight. And that dog. . .makes me nostalgic . Not nostalgic enough to ever get another dog, although I don’t like ever saying never to anything.

Kerro’s Korner’s great, even if there’s a “K” in corner.

Shattered into one piece-- can get pretty, well, shattered, just warning you. But it’s a good shattered.

Sandy Andrews has that picture of the shrink on the Sopranos for her header. Where’d you get that, Sandy?

Tears Behind the Smile
blogging about therapy and Ikea.

Calm Acceptance Patty’s got the idea.

Becky has a guard dog, Cricket. I’m new here, but love it.

Lisa Marie Always love a good dysfunctional daze, Lisa Marie.

Syd I’m just fine. The myths about 12-Steps, see his Jan 11, 2010 post is simply fantastic.

Blognut’s mindless ramblings can get poetic.

Mark, at The Naked Soul knows how to tell it like it is. People should listen. He answers the age old question, “Why do people see prostitutes?” It’s a hole in the soul, is what it is.

One Wild Ride links over to my buddy Thriver at the Thriver’s Toolbox. April the Optimist tells us that surviving s not easy, but there’s support out there.

Mean Something
is about literature (it should mean something).

Lou at Subdural Flow has what to kvetch about. Kids are a challenge, never easy.

Isle Dance has some unbelievable pics up, as always.

Cassandra recommends books for 2009 at Some are classics.

Zan at My Journey So Far tells us about leaving the Jehovah Witnesses. What a story.

Definitely stop by Café Jeannie and chew a little.

Maha always says, call bells make her nervous. She and a friend, way behind on their sleep, tell us 12 mortifying ways to die.

To learn a little Torah, check out the Rebetzin’s Husband. Where else would you go? /

and while you're at it, try New York’s Funniest Rabbi , not feeling particularly funny lately. So sorry for your loss.

Sissi at is getting it on paper.

Dr. Deb is a wonderful blogger. Looking forward to reading her book.

Jew Wishes / and I also go way back. I get my booklists from there.

My Social Work Network has great daily inspirational quotes/ We could always use one once in awhile.

Miriam L paints! Check her out.

MHMS at Made You Look-- Exactly how it sounds. / a must see.

Special mentions, Seaspray, Porcini, Rachel Z for helping me out with the community crisis, Tzipporah for comments, Margo, and the other Margo my daughter for her occasional snarky comments like, Did you actually post that comment?! A Mother in Israel, MizFitOnLine, Jumping Frogs, Curiosity Killer, and Leora, and to anyone I forgot, kindly kick me in the head, just guilt me with an email.

We're good with guilt.



Cheryl said...

Thanks SO much TD! <3 To find some MORE great blogs, as if you even have the time, check out my post for the day. It's a blog carnival.

Shattered said...

Hey! Thanks for the mention. :) Now I'm off to follow some of your other links...

Retriever said...

Thanks, TD! Am looking forward to checking out everybody else...:)

blogbehave said...

Thanks for the shout out, Therapy Doc. I found the picture of Dr. Melphi in session with Tony Soprano online. The show revolved around Dr. Melphi helping him with his panic disorder. And since anxiety disorders are my specialty, I thought it was a natural fit.

Sandy Andrews, PhD

Syd said...

Thanks TD, I'm honored.

Sissi said...

Hey Therapy Doc.
Chuffed to see my blog mentioned! Thank you so much. I'm loving yours. But you knew that already. I hope.

( )

wendy said...

Oh, I love this post every year! I learn so much and find so many more blogs I can't live without!!
Thanks therapy doc, I needed this!!!
I haven't been visiting you as much because you have filled my cup with so much to look at, read, think about, etc. It truely has been a year of healing, finding meaning, and what I'm hear for...
I couldn't have done it without you. I'm working part time with TAPS the program for military personnel who have lost loved ones, have started on my master's degree in psychology at Georgetown Univeristy, and learning to LIVE with grief instead of simply SURVIVE with grief.
Thanks for helping me find the way back to joy (and new friends everywhere!)

Wendy said...

Had quite a Freudian slip in that last comment "What I'm hear for"!!
I'm almost deaf - but I did mean "what I'm HERE for" LOL
My biggest desire for this year is to start a blog on suicide... Have been working on developing that...
We just have to find a way to prevent them world wide!

Wondering Soul said...

Hey TD,
Just wanted to say thank you for mentioning my blog...
When I began blogging, I had no idea that there was such a thing as 'following' so it came as a bit of a shock to discover that you could actually be 'known' in this way... I just thought it was a random thing that very occasionally, might be stumbled on!
It freaked me out for a good amount of time!

Thank you.


porcini66 said...

Thanks for mentioning me! I was surprised to see my name there, at the bottom, but it felt nice! :)

lynette said...

thanks, therapydoc! i appreciate the mention!

keep blogging! i love visiting :)

Kerro said...

Thanks Therapy Doc, I'm honoured. When I started blogging I didn't think anyone would read... let alone link me, ping me, recommend me.

On the other matter... you have to admit that Kerro's Corner is far less kaptivating ... besides it would be unAustralian of me not to b@st@rdise it!!! ;)

SeaSpray said...

Thank you for the special mention Therapy Doc. :)

I never heard of doing it this way, but nice idea.

A mention from a quality blogger such as yourself is an honor.

May you wane a Healthy and Happy New Year. :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for thinking of me in your post. Unfortunately I had to delete/stop my blog (Dysfunctional Daze) because of my identity being uncovered. The people that found it are not safe and I was left with little option. I'm still checking in with everyone and enjoying the reading... I just feel very disconnected now :(


@reallyjm said...

Aww, thank you, that was sweet!

JewWishes said...

Where has the time gone??!! I have been up to my ears in reading, but not writing.

Thank you for the link.

Be well.

An Ugly America

Eddie Redmayne-Caberet, not pretty As anyone who knows me knows, I've been a little out of it when it comes to what is happening in the ...