Monday, October 23, 2023

Blood Libel Confirmed

Protest against the War in Gaza at a Skokie Marianos

A prayer meeting in Skokie, Illinois is interrupted by protesting Palestinians harassing Jews trying to get into the assembly hall to pray. There are two thousand Jews trying to pray peacefully in an assembly hall. The mob scene, people praying, people protesting the war in Gaza, is difficult to leave. Hundreds are crowded in a Marianos parking lot where the overflow is parking their cars. 

The Palestinians make up a story that one of their children has been run over, a Jewish person did this, wanted to do this. There is no evidence that this happened. None.

Today a New York Times headline reports that Hamas actually failed to prove the accusation that the missile that hit a hospital in Gaza came from Israel. Turns out, it was a Hamas missile that backfired. The Times finally caught on. You can see the video in the previous post. 

If you want to blame Israel for something, just don't present any evidence to the contrary

Those who know about propaganda understand that to win a war sometimes takes more than rockets. It can take a good deal of psychological insight. Hamas has it in spades.

Never miss an opportunity to malign the enemy, to make the enemy look really bad, even if that enemy feeds, houses, and finds you jobs on her own turf.

Historically, pre-Crusade but well before that, when Christians (many of whom are now the best of friends with Israel) wanted to slander the Jews they constructed malicious lies about the Passover custom of dipping a finger into a glass of wine, decorating a plate with red droplets. Ten droplets are the equivalent of each of the Ten Plagues. 

Dipping a finger, or a spoon, into a glass of grape juice or red wine is a way to teach children to remember the plagues unleashed by God upon the Egyptians because their king, Pharaoh, refused to free the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. 

God wanted the Jews out of there, wanted them to go, to inherit their land, the very land that we are fighting over today. 

Thus at the Passover seder, to remember the story, to celebrate freedom, we take a spoon, or dab a finger into a glass of red wine, make a droplet on a plate and recite the plagues. We don't use the blood of Christian babies, as the blood libels of old actually believed.

Blood, frogs, lice, wild animals, livestock, boils, hail and fire, locusts, darkness, and the death of the first born son. 

Yes, the ten plagues imply death, but the word blood refers to rivers in Egypt turned into blood, God's doing. Let my people go. 

The 12th century pre-Crusader libel and many both before and after, is that Jews kill Christian children and dip matzahs into the blood during the seder to celebrate. Absolute libel. Extraordinarily ridiculous, nothing could be farther from the truth. To read more, click below.

The proximity of such charges to Easter was thus also often associated with the continuing belief that Jews were responsible for the Passion and Crucifixion of Jesus. Blood libels, together with allegations of well poisoning, were a major theme in Jewish persecution in Europe throughout the Middle Ages and into the modern period. They were a central component in the development of modern antisemitism in the 19th century.

Blood libel accusations often led to pogroms, violent riots launched against Jews and frequently encouraged by government authorities.

Murder is expressly forbidden in the Torah, as are the blood sacrifices which were practiced by ancient pagan religions. In fact, Jewish dietary laws (kashrut), forbid the consumption of blood in food and require all blood to be drained from slaughtered animals before consumption.

Thus if a Hamas rocket misfires and hits a hospital in Gaza, Hamas can spin this and jump on the opportunity to lie and say, The Jews did it. 

Ditto, if a prayer meeting in Skokie is interrupted by protesting Palestinians harassing Jews, the Palestinians will make up a story that a Palestinians child was intentionally run over by a car in the Marianos parking lot. 

This is what we are dealing with. 

Those responsible for the mayhem (Palestinian war protesters) maced two policemen. 

This is what we are dealing with. You can see, psychologically at least, who is winning the war. 

You win if you lie, is the thing. You win if you can slander the enemy, lie about the enemy, make up terrible stories, the more terrible the better. Tale as old as time.

This is the kind of thing you teach your kids?


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