Monday, September 10, 2007

All Substances Postponed til October

I apologize to all of you who were counting on the Carnival of All Substances* to be posted on the 10th of September. Traditionally (is 4 a tradition?) I get it up on the 10th

But this week's a bear, honestly, and I just can't do it. Last week I moved my office (no stress there) and had out of town guests. I'm squeezing a week's worth of patients into a very short week for the third week in a row, and still have grocery shopping to do for the holiday.

And then. . .the cooking. There's (a) the chicken soup and knaidles, (b) the chalah, (c) the tzimmis, (d) the fish heads . . .

Fish heads?

Oh, you don't know. So we greet the first holiday, Rosh HaShana (the New Year) with all kinds of symbolic foods, especially sweet ones, like apples dipped in honey. But some of us have to have fish heads on the table, too.

I think fish heads gross EVERYONE out, honestly, except maybe people who actually cook a LAMB'S head and put it on a platter for the table. Anyway, these heads represent the bracha (the blessing)
You should be like the head and not the tail.
So let's try to keep at least a step ahead this year. Why not?

And on that note, I hope it really is a good year for all of us.

Shana Tova Umt'ookah ( have a good and sweet new year). I'm hoping to see Tanta Fela.


P.S. I'll get that carnival up, the Old Mighty willing, on October 10 instead.


Cham said...

no lamb head? dang

therapydoc said...

There's still time. . .

Anonymous said...
the last two about sin are good reads

Anonymous said...

Fish heads, even lambs heads, are so much better than living monkey brains.

therapydoc said...

Don't you just love cultural diffs? They say so much about us as organisms.

Joe Rutland said...

Hey Doc!!

Happy Rosh HaShana to you!! May you have a wonderful, peaceful, grace-filled year. Thank you for your blog. It helps me to realize that I am not alone, that I am human, that I am loved by God (or Yahweh) and accepted.

Grace and peace,


Heidi said...

Good luck on the move. I feel for ya.

have popcorn will lurk said...

Fish heads, fish heads, roly poly fish heads...

Whoa, what was that. Old tape? LOL...

L'shana tova. :)

therapydoc said...

Thanks all, for the good wishes, and Chana, I'm pretty sure we're talking about the Monty Python songs with I'm a Lumber Jack and I'm Okay, right?

have popcorn will lurk said...

Now I remember! My college roommate used to sing that, and I never knew why! LOL...

An Ugly America

Eddie Redmayne-Caberet, not pretty As anyone who knows me knows, I've been a little out of it when it comes to what is happening in the ...