Thursday, May 08, 2008

When CNN links to you

What do you do? I wasn't even going to tell anyone, seriously. Is that so strange?

When Anna Jane Grossman interviewed me I was terrified and I begged her, Please, please, please, don't use my name. Nothing good can come of it. If you must identify me, if you absolutely must, use a first name. Use that. But don't, don't, don't even do that. Try not to even do that.

So she did.

But I'm so grateful that she limited herself, really, so thankful. And it's a very nice piece. I think real journalists (I never took a writing class, got a low B in rhetoric many, many years ago) are pressured to reveal their sources, that legitimates them. But the Wall Street Journal often uses the language, People close to the matter, which is very elegant, I feel.

Anyway, after thinking about it, I emailed the kids. Then later, told Mom.

But blog on it? Whatever for?

Well, there's a rule, I think, in cyberspace, which is a culture, that you link back. You give credit. You thank. You don't plagiarize. And you do try to boost up others. It's a non-compete clause, so to speak, at least blogging is. And as one who truly hates competition (see posts on baseball games), I feel it's a nice ethic.

So THANKS, CNN, especially Anna Jane. And here's that link, friends.

You gotta' love 'em.



Anonymous said...

hurrah for you TD! That's awesome. You are always just a big help. :) :)

HiHoRosie said...

Congrats on the article! I didn't realize this was you in the interview until after you came by my site - then I read the article again and put two and two together. YAY! I'm smart like that sometimes. :) It was an honor to have you come by. Thank you. You have a great site. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

I saw this article yesterday and was happy to find your blog, especially as a blogger and social work student. Thanks for writing.

Anonymous said...

How does it feel to be famous? :-)

therapydoc said...

It makes me feel like I need to eat ice cream. Makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

Well, it does in a way. I love ice-cream!

Rae said...

As someone who uses blogging as my "own brand of therapy," I was really thankful for you linking to the CNN piece and thank you for being willing to talk about your issues here, as I do think forming a "community" in the blogosphere has made a real difference in my recovery.

@Copyright AAP said...

I'll be cocky for your blog :) "I am not shocked that CNN found you" Your blog is amazing. I've been reading for a year now and its opened my eyes to a ton. I was just browsing and I found it.

When is your book coming out...and then we all will know your last name :)

therapydoc said...

Love you, F & V.

Midwife with a Knife said...

Congrats on the CNN nod!

Anonymous said...

you should dod a book...the first chapter should be that social ecosystem story you told that is one of my fav pieces...

Isle Dance said...

That's fantastic! I'm going to have to read archives now, to see what I've been missing. :o)

mother in israel said...

Mazel tov!

SeaSpray said...

Wow...CNN! Congratulations! You do have a wonderful blog. :)

The article was interesting and I found blogging to be healing when I was going through the urological issues and just being able to communicate, share, laugh and learn in the med blogosphere truly helped me.

Your blog has so many informative/interesting things to read.

Scraps said...

Shkoyach. :)

And when you write a book, I'm so totally buying it!

therapydoc said...

Thanks Scraps. So what you're saying is that I should finish up a project and start looking for an agent?

therapydoc said...

Thanks Scraps. So what you're saying is that I should finish up a project and start looking for an agent?

Dr. Deb said...

High Blog-Five to you TD!

Dr. Deb said...

High Blog-Five to you TD!

come running said...

OMG!!! Too cool! Mazel Tov!

The Rebbetzin's Husband said...

Nice. What do you do to top the visitor surge that presumably resulted from the link?

therapydoc said...

I don't think it's possible. Chaval :)


Mary P Jones (MPJ) said...

I'm catching up on my reading. What fun to see this! Nice article. :)


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