Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Law and Order Final Episode

I'm fine, how are you? (for the benefit of those who tuned into the past deleted post)

Seriously, when the weather gets good in Chicago, it just doesn't get any better anywhere. Yeah, so the allergies kill you, but a person's muscles need the heat, and it's finally, finally, hot.

What's on TV?

This morning I'm up a little late and a little groggy and shuffle off to the family room. Like many couples who believe that television in the bedroom can be bad for a relationship, we make it work to have to watch TV, and I have to negotiate stairs to find one. FD has brewed the coffee. He's nowhere to be found.

The remote is mine.

Nothing like morning news teams.

Here's the good news. ABC is having a contest to name the new Shedd Aquarioum's beluga whale. Despite rumors that these creatures can and will eat their trainers (or is that another type of whale, help me here) the Shedd tells it like it is:
A beluga’s mouth is permanently upturned like a smile. It’s easy to connect with these sociable whales as they glide by in their Oceanarium pool: They might turn a curious gaze your way, crinkle their melons (foreheads) and whistle—or even spit a stream of water!
You can enter the contest at ABC if you have a good name for this happy little guy.

A good name is everything, really, which is why I'm still boggled at all the promiscuity, everywhere, seriously, sex, sex, sex. It's only Tuesday, but a quick sample of the kinds of things a person like me hears, rounding the weekend:

(1) men need Viagra, perceive that women need them that way,

(nobody wants to work at anything anymore)

(2) fourteen year old kids need birth control,

(3) and the usual beef: I'm just not interested in sex, doctor, which is the only one that makes any sense for people of a certain age.

Not to minimize, these are the concerns of the day, not depression, not anxiety. Mostly sex, which is fine, important, and very, very good for one's mental health. Or bad, depending upon the context. That who, what, when, where and why, thing.

On the 6 am WGN news, it's Sex in the City every day for a week, fashion shows and interviews with starlets. I have got to rent I, because now the girls are going, it looks like, to Italy.

Missed the interview, had to turn away, blog about Law and Order.

But first:

Last night was crunch time to book a fare to Atlanta. So nervous, had to enter credit card information five times (wish that were an exaggeration). All day, beat myself up for having waited too long. Chicago to Atlanta round trip should be, at worst, $189, and flights were running $217 each way because I neglected to book. FD promised me prices would come down, and as usual, he was right. My son texted me and the tickets are scored, so yours truly is no longer staring at the screen, dejected.

FD breezes through the front door and shouts, "Law and Order! Final episode!"

"I never recorded Law and Order," I tell him, pretty sure he doesn't know how to use the DVD-R.

"I did," he brags.

"You're my hero!"

So we shut the browser, don't look back, and settle into the final episode. Law and Order, in case you've been truly withdrawn or in solitary, is
the longest-running crime series and the second-longest-running drama series in the history of television, now in its 20th season on NBC.
And wouldn't you know (serious spoilers coming up, stop reading now) the final show is about a blogger! Unfortunately, he makes bombs. But he's discovered, lost his cover, because he blogs and has told everyone his problems, vented on the Internet. It's going to be epic, he tells us, his exit from the world.

He has also put up pictures of naked girls on his blog, his undoing. Somebody doesn't like this, that a picture of his unclad teenage daughter is floating around cyberspace, and has reported it to the police.

No pics of the bombs and guns on this blog, sorry, or the naked teenager. Cruise around, I'm sure you can find both someplace else, if you're that interested, and apparently many people are.

Anyway, we learn that the bomber is a disgruntled teacher, not a gruntled student. This NYC teacher suffered unfair disciplinary measures. To stay salaried while the case against him is under investigation, Moot, the bomber, must spend 8 hours a day in "the rubber room." Sort of like detention for teachers, but they do crossword puzzles while on the dole.

The injustice of this, confinement to the rubber room, ostensibly for minor indiscretions like ruffling a kid's hair, or advising a kid, If you don't study, you will be not rise above stupid, makes a professional angry. But most don't leave the rubber room after a hard day of puzzles to make bombs to blow up their school.

The mental health issue isn't explored, unfortunately, there's no time to really assess why anyone would do this. We assume, stress. But for all we know, I've bastardized the entire story altogether for having grabbed chips from the pantry, missing some of the plot.

I imagine that this is vengeance, and our bomber, Moot, has a severe case of one of the disorders in the DSM IV-TR, probably one that will be stricken from the DSM V, coming to us in only a few more years. You'll get a review soon. I'm in favor, is all I can say.

The issue of privacy is ascendant, that I get, in this last episode. Executive Assistant D. A. Michael Cutter has assembled a grand jury and is asking a crowded roomful of parents for permission to detain 2800 students, to interview them and scan their laptops for clues. Uh, uh, says the grand jury. In fact, we'd like you to ditch the entire inquiry altogether!

That's not gonna' happen, not with a madman out there. Finally, finally, Sam Waterson - District Attorney Jack McCoy, convinces a teacher to rat out the bomber. He is simply the best, Sam Waterson. Nobody will ever replace him in this type of role. Nobody. All of us want our sons to grow up to be just like Sam.

Meanwhile, we learn whether or not Lieutenant Anita Van Buren (S. Epatha Merkerson) either has a recurrence of her cancer, or is in remission. The docs are going to call her any minute to let us know.

And if you think I'm going to tell you, forget it. That would ruin everything. I'm not sure why this photo has a red border.

Modern Family? Everyone, everyone, everyone, tells me they know a couple like Mitch and Cam. This can't be. There is such a thing as hyperbole.

But they are the funniest, the most lovable couple on television, and Manny, Rico Rodriguez, just slays me (lower left).

We have to cover 30 Rock, a frown in your pocket, and we'll be finished.



Syd said...

I am probably the only person in the world who hasn't watched Law and Order, Survivor, or Thirty Rock. Oh well...

Wendy said...

No Syd, you are not alone. Have never seen Law and Order, Survivor, Thirty Rock, Sex in the City or Modern Family... I'm starting to wonder why I have a TV!

CiCi said...

Syd, I don't have TV so I am another person who hasn't watched those shows. I like how doc mentions allergies in the beginning. Oh my aching head. I am having a hard time this year with the allergies.

Margo said...

Modern Family and 30 Rock pretty much never fail to cheer me up. So either they're really good, or I'm never THAT depressed, I'll take either..

therapydoc said...

So this is a coping strategy for the future, okay? You'll keep it in mind. And Margo, just looking at the pictures makes me happy.

designer sunglasses said...

What about glee!? =)

therapydoc said...

Love it.

Kerro said...

I don't know a family like Mitch and Cam, but perhaps I am the only one.

Sad to hear that Law and Order is finished, though we are probably so far behind where I live that it will take years for it to end here.

porcini66 said...

Yah, so I USED to be one that NEVER watched tv, ever, except for House, MD. These days, though, I've begun to sneak in a few shows for some unabashed escapism. Still fond of House, but also have come to like Glee, Spartacus, Blood & Sand (not for the faint-hearted) and okay, I'll admit it, I'm finally watching all the old X-files on the net. Really! Never saw the show when it was running and am watching them all in a marathon x-files run from Netflix. Maybe I'll end up doing the same thing with Law & Order in 10 years. I figure by then I'll want to escape something else! :)

Lily said...

I love 30 Rock! I never really watched the "regular" L&O, but I LOVE SVU!

An Ugly America

Eddie Redmayne-Caberet, not pretty As anyone who knows me knows, I've been a little out of it when it comes to what is happening in the ...