Thursday, September 02, 2010

Apologies and Housekeeping

Sometimes some of you get a notice that I've posted something, only to find that it's gone.  You visit and see  nothing new.  That's because I've reread whatever it was and decided it wasn't ready for prime time, so down it goes. 

I appreciate the visit anyway, you should know, and the communication, the questions. 

It happened this week, so even though I should be making someone a lunch, I put up the Garage Sale post below, cleaned it up a little.  Has anyone ever cleaned a sixty year old garage?  It's not pretty.



tuesday@11 said...

Thanks for the explanation TD. Sure hope you got your lunch.

Cheryl said...

you just did it again...

tuesday@11 said...

Yep, it happened again. Keep this up and I might end up in therapy again. I think you are secretly trying to drive me nuts. I am starting to hear voices.....

Syd said...

Years ago. There were lots of neat tools.

therapydoc said...

Okay, I'll tell you what happened. I put up a post about the Discovery Channel bomber and immediately felt on the defensive about my diagnosis, didn't have the emotional energy to defend it (that Mr. Lee suffered from schizophrenia).

So yeah, I did it again, but no, I'm not trying to make anyone sick. Just worn out, you know?

tuesday@11 said...

May you be blessed with an awesome night's rest and refreshed in the morning.

Anja Merret said...

I'm not sure it's because you are taking down your blog post. I haven't been able to get to your articles via my RSS feed for some time, at least three posts, new one included. There might be a bigger problem.

Cheryl said...

want another incoherent post on therapy that will be left up?

I don't know why I published it...

Cheryl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

An Ugly America

Eddie Redmayne-Caberet, not pretty As anyone who knows me knows, I've been a little out of it when it comes to what is happening in the ...