Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Fifth Carnival of All Substances

THE fifth. Not a fifth. As in, I plead the fifth.


Let's start out with something a little different.

Anabolic steroids and other drugs are part of the arsenal of any competition body builder. . . body builders are at risk for health problems and shouldn't be dying at 30 years old so says Mike Hart who tells the story.

If you're in need of a "centre" spelled British style, there's one in British Columbia that Isabella Mori's enchanted with. I'm waiting for the stats, but check out her enthusiasm, curb only if you must.

I'm not a particularly organically oriented person (it makes me think of dirt, mainly, when someone says, It's Organic). But Live Life, Organics and Your Health has some links about drugs that might interest you. If it's not organic, then it's synthetic, right? Does it all comes down to how you dress in the end?

News Syndicated tells us how one town is handling meth addictions.

All this wellness nonsense is now contaminating television, apparently, my last refuge. But if you're really into it, and why wouldn't you be, wellness, I mean, since sickness really is not fun, then check out Wellness TV on the Dish Channel. (I hope I got that right).

As strange as this may seem, a blogger (Money Walks) writes about the merits of this automobile gasoline versus that gasoline and she's walking this carnival as we speak (or perhaps driving a hybrid car). I said that ethanol wasn't exactly the alcohol I was talking about, but okay. It's hard for me to say no to anyone who takes the trouble to RSVP to an open blog carnival invitation.

The Fit Shack is still kvetching about sugar addictions. (I say this while eating a Hershey nugget, toffee, no disrespect, FS)

Quit Coping should be clapping herself on the back for quitting smoking, reinventing herself for her kid. Now that's inspiring.

Health Plans Plus is looking out for you, making sure you don't just accept the verdict that your kid needs pharmaceutical intervention for ADHD. It's an interesting piece.

Is Negativity a substance? It is now. Problem is, I don't see anyone getting high on being negative. Again, how can I say no to these bloggers? Are you people going to tell me I need to be more assertive?

Okay, I'm assertively emphasizing:


That's exhausting, emphasizing like that. Who said assertiveness would be easy?

See you next month,



isabella mori said...

thanks for the mention, my friend. btw, i've talked to someone who works at the phoenix centre which is mentioned in my post, and i guess it's a little early to talk meaningfully about recidivism rates.

on to negativity: first of all, no, of course, it's not a substance. however - you don't see anyone get high on negativity. doesn't that depend on 1) what we mean by "high", 2) on whether one thinks that people engage in addictions in order a) to get high, or (also/alternatively) b) to self medicate or c) to simply achieve whatever non-reality based state of consciousness they desire?

how about if we used the word "feed"? we all know that people feed on anger, it's a physiological, mental and emotional phenomenon. and in many cases it's negative. how might we say this is different from getting high?

thanks for making me think. but then you always do :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, thanks for including me in your carnival!

An Ugly America

Eddie Redmayne-Caberet, not pretty As anyone who knows me knows, I've been a little out of it when it comes to what is happening in the ...